Student Societies

Khurasan University has different students’ societies that include


  • Literary Society
    KU has a literary society comprised of students who have closer association with Pashto, Darri and other literatures. The society organize literary program in which students present their poems and other literary stuff 
  • Tourism Society 
    KU also have a tourism society that makes arrangements for study as well as tourism tours across the country. Students make study tour to different organizations, places and site scenes 
  • Sports Society 
    Khurasan University has an active sport society wherein students participate in different sports including volley ball, cricket, football and badminton. KU has separate teams in the said sports and KU sports teams participating in the tournaments on local as well as on national level 
  • Students Re-Union Club/ KU Alumni Association
    Hundreds of students have graduated from Khurasan University who now working in national as well in international organizations. The Students Re-Union Club or KU Alumni Association makes arrangements for the re-union of those graduates. Then close buddies who now apart from each other get together occasionally recall about their sweet memories of their stay in Khurasan University